Amna Zolj-

Posted: October 2010

An evaluation recieved by a parent in swimming lessons.

Amna is a wonderful swim instructor ! She puts her whole heart into swim lessons. She worked with my daughter after lessons when she wasn't on the clock!

Most people just do it to get paid. Wish every instructor has a heart this big and cared about children the way she does. She is a blessing and we will keep comming to lessons! We love her!

Great Job Amna!!


Props to Gienah!!!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010 11:16 PM


My daughter and son began preschool swim lessons 

this morning at 10:00.  My son began crying after hearing another 

child in the group crying and then struggled throughout the lesson.  

You took the time to talk with me and to suggest that Gina work with 

him for a little while afterwards rather than sending him away in 

tears and me away wondering if swim lessons were the right thing to 

do.  Instead, he was happy and giggling and I was feeling so much 

better, too, by the time Gina was done.  It left me with the feeling 

that my child's experience was really important....that's HUGE!!!   In 

addition, my daughter loved her lesson.  This was our first time with 

preschool swim lessons at the Y.  So far, I'm very impressed.  

Hopefully, there will be fewer (maybe NO) tears on Wednesday!

Thanks again to you and the other instructors.


Awesome job making each person important!  Please pass along my thanks


David Heard

Sr. V.P. Operations

YMCA of Greater Louisville

502-640-1773 Cell

502-587-9622 Office

Props to Erin, Randy, and Stacey! !!!!!

 Tuesday, July 13, 2010 5:22 PM

Tom and Daryle,  I just got a nice phone call from one of your members named Cindy.  She is the one who had to be transported by ambulance recently after her blood sugar got out of whack (she is diabetic) in the pool.  She was very complimentary about how the staff handled this emergency – particularly Erin who pulled her out of the pool and helped her take her shot.  She was also raving about the lifeguards and how helpful they are as she continues to work on her swimming for exercise.  She named Stacy in particular for being both attentive and encouraging to her.  She also said that Randy did a great job teaching her to swim and she is now comfortable in the water, which is a big deal to her (and to her doctor).  Please pass along my thanks and compliments to your staff.  They have made Cindy’s life better and likely have extended it as well. David Heard

Speaking of “Brand Revitalization”…this is what it’s all about!  And it’s not just reacting to the emergency, it’s the full continuum of things (including the doctor’s reaction) at the YMCA that came together such as the swim instruction, the welcoming environment, the exercise (critical in diabetes management), reacting when she needed help, etc, that are done on a daily basis that have made a better life for Cindy!  When this is universal in our behavior and language, it won’t matter what the logo looks like!   Cheers and thanks to all involved.  Steve

Steve Tarver


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